#1 – Perception

Fragrance room: In an average room there are around 8,000 different smells in the air. Of course, they contribute significantly to the perceived atmosphere. Aromea is one step ahead and simply puts the personal brand fragrance in the foreground. Striking, but by no means pushy - just at the perceptual limit.

#2 – Psychology

Always follow your nose: The olfactory perception is our strongest and fastest sense. In the brain's limbic system, scents are directly linked to emotions and memories. Where you still consciously analyze visually or acoustically, a fragrance takes the direct emotional path to the brain and heart - and creates lasting memories.

#3 – Marketing

In addition to music, light and interior, a special fragrance creates the strongest brand association. A so-called “corporate scent” extends the perception by a new brand dimension in order to differentiate itself successfully from the competition. Where it smells good, you stay longer - you buy more impulsively, are willing to pay more and like to come back.

#4 – Association(behavior)

We want what fascinates us - see, touch, experience. But nothing is as fascinating as a fragrance. With the right scent, you can motivate or calm down, increase performance and concentration, generate positive associations and create strong memories. A scent attracts attention and does not let you go - unless you hold your breath.

#5 – The strongest impression is the fragrance

Humans can distinguish between half a million tones and a few million colors. However, olfactory sensory perception distinguishes up to a trillion different impressions. In the past, fragrance perception was essential for survival, which is why it is still the strongest of our senses today.

#6 – Fragrances store emotions

The strongest associative behavior shapes the sense of smell in humans. In the limbic system of the brain, olfactory impressions are processed and there subconsciously and automatically linked to emotions and memories. Our fragrance memory is most distinctive. A special fragrance experience is therefore remembered up to a hundred times better than a tactile, visual or auditory experience. Fragrance experiences in long-term memory also regulate the sense of smell via the fragrance receptors in the nose. In short: our fragrance perception changes our preferences.

#7 – Fragrance adds value to the brand

Our subjective senses change the brand association: A fragrance experience linked to the brand expands the product dimension on an emotional level and leaves the deepest traces of memory. Our short-term memory, for example, only remembers 5% of the visually experienced impressions, but 35% of the olfactory traces of memory.

#8 – A fragrance positively shapes an experience

Of all the senses, fragrance perception is the strongest trigger for emotions and memories. Accordingly, a fragrance is even remembered a hundred times more (and more positively) than visual, auditory or tactile sensations. Even after many years, you can still remember an experienced fragrance in a certain place.

# 9 – Good services smell better

A pleasant fragrance can anchor the experienced service more pleasantly and positively in the emotional memory. With a fragrance experience, waiting times appear shorter and the conversation atmosphere is more pleasant and friendly.

# 10 – If it smells good, you stay longer

Customers stay longer and let products look more impressive when they are positioned in a fragrant environment. This increases the duration and intensity of the brand presentation and subconsciously cements the memory of the experience in the scent memory.

# 11 – It’s better to smell a good scent

How a place smells creates the strongest associations - a good fragrance is therefore better remembered for longer than the other way around. Correct fragrance marketing can fundamentally change the overall experience, especially in olfactory demanding rooms.

# 12 – Fragrances control the psyche

The right fragrance in the right place can motivate, concentrate, inspire and relax. Depending on the fragrance composition and positioning, the prevailing psychological spatial effect can be underlined or changed accordingly.

'Fragrance is everywhere. People can close their eyes to avoid pictures, they can close their ears to avoid the sound of a commercial and it is also possible not to touch certain objects, but we cannot stop smelling without stopping to breathe.'

– Diaconu, 2005 (Scource)

'It is not the fragrance that seduces us, but the feeling and emotions associated with the fragrance.'

– Zander, 2010

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